A meditation on a few top-of-mind topics these days:

Kindness – The quality of being friendly, generous, considerate  Random Acts of Kindness Foundation quotes.

Gratitude – The quality of being thankful; readiness to show appreciation for and to return kindness.

Ever made a gratitude list?  Try it.  How to Practice Gratitude at mindful.org

Acceptance – strive for excellence but move towards acceptance when things don’t work out as you would like.

Letting go does not mean approval of an unpalatable situation, it means acceptance, and then deciding what you will do about it.

Win Win – advantageous or satisfactory to all parties involved.  A frame of mind and hearts that constantly seeks mutual benefit in all human interactions. More from The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People


calm in the storm-

When the world around you goes crazy, will you stay sane and hold things together?

Here are 8 tips for staying calm and steady in the storm:

  • Maintain your routine
  • Take a break
  • Slow down and breathe
  • Identify and manage your stress points
  • Call for a timeout
  • Keep perspective
  • Control what you can control (not other people, places or things)
  • Smile

(thank you google)

The Calm App – Our goal is to help you improve your health and happiness.

I use the Calm app and find it has a lot to offer!

Be well.


~ Claudia

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