Cruise much? If you do or dream about doing so please do yourself a huge favor and follow Gary Bembridge’s Tips For Travelers YouTube channel (he’s also on Facebook Instagram and Twitter). Gary lives in London with his partner and after many years in a high level corporate marketing job, a cancer diagnosis and successful treatment, he radically changed up his life.
He cruises at least 10 times per year (I am not kidding! – his Facebook shows a list of cruises taken and upcoming cruises scheduled) and he creates amazing content and by now has a brilliant library of professional, crisp, amusing, informative videos about how to make it “fun and easy to discover, plan and enjoy unforgettable cruise vacations.” He really does deliver and is a pleasure to watch. He starts with basics such as how to pick a cruise line that will best meet YOUR expectations for cruising, which cruise destinations should be on your bucket list, and drilling down to all the nitty gritty from how to book and any issues you may experience once you’re onboard. Educational and entertaining – Enjoy!
In an upcoming newsletter, I’ll share about my cruising life and what I’ve discovered (thanks to Gary’s channel) works for me!
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